Thursday, June 17, 2010

Finally finished

We are finally finished wading through the July slush pile. We still have to do final voting in a few weeks, but I'm giving the staff a much needed break until then.

The stats:

2 accepted, 7 held for voting, 14 sent for rewrites, 2 wihdrawn, and 330 rejected. We will choose 4-6 stories for the issue and will notify authors and send out final contracts on or before July 10th.

All authors who submitted something for the regular issue between March 2nd and June 5th should have heard something from us by now. If not, please query.


Almost Done!

We are almost done with the July Submissions:

We have accepted 2 submissions so far, held 7 for voting, sent 13 back for rewrites, and had 2 withdrawn. We have 24 submissions before the editors right now, have rejected 306 as of today, and have 1 left in our inbox.

We are currently reviewing the last of the submissions.

If you submitted a story for the July issue before May 30th and have not heard from us, please query asap.

We will return to S/F/H submissions after July 15th. This July issue took far longer than anticipated due to an overwhelming amount of last-minute submissions.

Thank you,

Monday, June 14, 2010

July Slush Pile

As we work our way through the last of the submissions for the July issue, I'll be posting more frequent updates.

We have accepted 2 submissions so far, held 4 for voting, sent 12 back for rewrites, and had 2 withdrawn. We have 13 submissions before the editors right now, have rejected 261 as of today, and have 61 left in our inbox.

We are currently reviewing stories received between May 15th and May 21st.

If you submitted a story before May 14th and have not heard from us, please query asap.

Thank you,

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Corrected July Slush Pile Stats

The Editor-in-Chief is back in charge after a month-long absence.

I left things in the hands of my very capable Senior Managing Editor, Elizabeth Hull, and though we had a few minor snafus, over all things went smoothly during my absense.

We had a few staff absences while I was away, most notably our admins, and our inboxes and logs got a bit mixed up. I've gone through them all, straightened everything out, and am pleased to announce that though the submission numbers posted here on the blog were inaccurate during my absence, we seem to have all submissions accounted for. I don't think we've misplaced any.

The quarter ended at midnight on June 1st, but due to a bit of miscommunication, a few slipped in after the deadline and we've decided to keep them. Check your receipt email to verify which issue your story is being considered for.

We received a total of 355 submissions for the July issue:

We have accepted 2 submissions so far, held 3 for voting, sent 11 back for rewrites, and had 2 withdrawn. We have 21 submissions before the editors right now, have rejected 234 as of today, and have 82 left in our inbox. We hope to finish those this coming week. We have all staff on hand and are looking for more editors, as well.

We are currently reviewing stories received between May 4th and May 16th.

If you submitted a story before May 4th and have not heard from us, please query asap.

Thank you,

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

S/F/H Slush Stats

We have received 102 submissions.

1 story is being held, 8 are before the editorial board, 43 have been rejected, and 50 are waiting in the inbox.

FMM Staff

July Issue Slush Stats

We have received 364 submissions.

We have accepted 2 stories, held 2 for voting, sent 9 back for rewrites, rejected 205, and 2 stories have been withdrawn. 17 stories are before the editorial board, and 127 are waiting in the inbox.

FMM Staff