Thursday, September 18, 2008

New Blog

I've been posting random FMM news on my own blog for a while now, and decided it would be easier to have one set up specifically for this purpose.

The main goal will be to discuss the slush pile at the magazine, but I will also post any news and such I feel authors will be interested in.


*Right now we're accepting submissions for the January 31, 2009 issue. 

*Our Fund Drive is in overdrive, with lots of prizes awarded to those who donate before October 1st.

*We will have a dealer table at the World Fantasy Convention in Calgary Oct 30th-Nov 2nd. If you'll be there, come see us!

*Our 2008 Compilation CDs will go on sale October 30th for only $10.

*We are looking for books to review in 2009. If interested, check out our Review Page.

*We have several open positions. Click here for more information.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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lolikneri havaqatsu