Thursday, October 7, 2010

Flash Me Magazine NEWS!

After much debate, we have decided to postpone our October 31st issue. It's our final issue before our indefinite hiatus, and we want to take the time to do a proper send-off. As we are still knee-deep in submissions, we thought the best decision would be to publish it on December 31st, giving us two months to finish the issue. That will allow us to keep providing the editorial feedback we're famous for, without sacrificing quality.

So, our new deadlines are as follows:

We should finish reading through the slush by November 15th. Final voting on held submissions will be completed by November 19th so that we can have all final notifications emailed out before the U.S.'s Thanksgiving Day.

We will then have a full month for contracts and formatting, and be able to offer both readers and authors the highest quality issue.

Our staff will begin sending notification emails to all authors awaiting a reply from us. If you do not receive an email by October 15th, please query.

Thank you,

***TO CLARIFY: We will be sending notifications of the publication date change over the next week and if you have a story still in our slush pile and do not receive this special notification email by October 15th, please query. That may mean that your original submission has been misplaced, or that you should have received a rejection letter from us already. These special notification emails will only be sent to stories we are holding for voting and stories we have not previously rejected. That way all authors are notified of the new publication date and understand that we are still considering their stories.***


Rebecca Hart said...

I am a little confused. At the end you mention if we have not heard back by October 15th to query, but you dont expect to get through the slush pile and send out the notifications until November 15th. So would that October date be a typo?

JDawson said...

I posted a clarification for you. JDawson

Rebecca Hart said...

Thank you :) Much appreciated.